Family & Systemic Constellations

“Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole.” Plato, The Symposium

Family & Systemic Constellations is a modality founded and developed by Burt Hellinger, weaving together indigenous understandings of ancestral healing, family systems therapy, and Rupert Sheldrake’s “morphic field.” It can be applied in one-on-one or group sessions with a trained facilitator.

Why ‘Constellations’?

Our way of being in the world is systems-based, informed by our first system: our family of origin.  

An individual comes to Constellations work with an issue or challenge they want to address - be it related to family, work, their personal health, or some other aspect of their life.  Other members of the group represent various aspects/roles, creating a map of the system - a constellation. 

Our family system reflects our ancestral lineage. Think of 9 generations, that is, 1022 ancestors in total. YOU are the living embodiment of this lineage. Imagine them all sitting in front of you on bleachers in an amphitheater, gazing at you as you gaze at them. Know you are alive today because they lived. Whether or not you know their names and histories, you’ve inherited the collective experiences of their lives, in your very genes.  We exist as a direct fulfillment of the lifeforce flowing through our ancestors. 

Constellations work is somatically based, in that the various representatives offer information based on their perception of bodily sensations and physical movements.

The person has the experience of seeing their system mapped ‘on the ground’ and hearing the information that comes through these representatives.  

We all possess an innate, somatic intelligence, The Knowing Field, as it is called in Constellations work.

This is where we discover our capacity to tap into a larger, more essential truth.

Constellations work is not a solution; it is more a shift in perspective. Our gaze in Constellations reveals what we often don’t acknowledge.

This frees us to embrace life’s invitation to live our potential, less entangled in the knots of the past.

Constellations work has impact and relevance for people individually, as well as the capacity to change the nature of our social systems. 

It is especially relevant when many people are acknowledging and addressing systemic injustices through restorative practice. Our personal healing not only influences how we find our way to belonging within our family of origin, but also in extended friend groups, our work environments, our communities, indeed in the world.

Facilitation & Training

I currently facilitate an in-person Constellations group: please contact me to inquire about participation. I also offer remote Constellations group facilitation upon request.

As a Constellations practitioner working with a wide range of people in many different settings, I offer a passionate sense of inquiry, a courageous heart and a loving, receptive presence.

I have co-led a practice group for facilitators, and have received training in Family and Systemic Constellations from leading practitioners including Suzi Tucker (who collaborated with Family Constellations founder Burt Hellinger on English translations of his books), Jane Petersen, PhD (originator of Somatic Imaging and the somatic-resonance approach), Leslie Nipps (founder of the West Coast Constellations Intensive), and Barry Krost (a presenter at the International and North American Systemic Constellations Conferences).

While Constellations work is a healing modality, it is not intended as a subsitute for professional therapy or medical care.

Constellations work is phenomenological - which means it’s best experienced rather than explained. Contact me to experience it for yourself.

*Banner Photo Pete Mauney

*Mandalas Felicia Flanagan