Somatic Dramatic
Somatic Dramatic:
Navigating the Narrow Place
Performing is a way of expressing a part of your being for a witness and/or for yourself.
Join Amii Legendre and Kathleen Mandeville for this exciting and unique workshop, utilizing the practices of family constellations and somatic* movement to transform our narrow places* while being witnessed and supported in community.
Sunday, October 20, 11am–3pm
Gateway House, Rosendale, NY
This workshop seeks to harvest your current ’narrow place’ using family constellations exercises and somatic movement practices. A Narrow Place might be a place in which you have a physical experience of being stuck, triggered, activated, or limited. In this workshop we explore self-regulation (help me settle my nervous system!) awareness (what’s even going on?) and self-compassion (I am such a human!) with play and healing.
We’ll visit some performance practices to engage creativity and witness; we seek to bring humor, care and courage to our tender selves in narrow spots. This work comes from a tradition of "Big Deal No Big Deal' where we practice lowering the stakes of performing for each other in order to get support from solo and community witnesses.
The Museum of Narrow Places is a performance and performance-making process created by Amii LeGendre. The process facilitates many short site-specific solos for one spectator at a time, exploring personal limitations, the freedom that limitations offer, and the transformation and discomfort inherent in one's narrow place. We will lean into this process for our work.
We will meet outdoors weather permitting (indoors, if not); please dress for the weather.
We will begin promptly at 11am. You are welcome to arrive 15 minutes early to get settled. Parking directions will be emailed by the day prior.
a field within bodywork and movement studies which emphasizes internal physical perception and experience.
*Narrow Place:
from Jewish Passover context; we use it here to frame our own experiences of limitation, pain, uncertainty, injustice.
What to Bring
• A brown bag lunch for yourself (some beverages and snacks will be provided)
$40 donation - Space is Limited: Register to Reserve Your Spot
About Amii, Our Facilitator
Amii LeGendre is an LCSW clinical social worker, a choreographer, dancer and teacher, a mother, an eating disorder survivor, contender with anxiety as a familiar narrow place, with contact improvisation and movement investigation as central practices for wonder and connection.
About Kathleen, Our Host & Co-Facilitator
Kathleen is an Episcopal Priest, a producer, IgniVox Productions, a spiritual guide & coach, Family/Systemic Constellation Facilitator, a gratefully sober journey-er who also visits the narrow place of anxiety.
Kathleen has long been engaged with a practice she calls Ritual High Play where others are invited into both a silly and serious experience to enact whatever is going on.
She founded and collaborated in creating a ritual theater company, The Wyrd Sisters and created The Passion Play Project, (with David Schechter), an exploration of sexuality/ spirituality, using both performative and sacred practices. Kathleen has led retreats and workshops in a wide range of communities from college campuses, summer camps, seminaries, prisons and low-income housing.