Our Emotional ‘Weather Patterns’
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Our Emotional ‘Weather Patterns’

As a systemic and family constellations facilitator, I've come to understand more potently how captured we are by our own personal narrative. It's as if we live inside our own egoic consciousness and yet we are born into a system, a family of origin, which is also informed by the systems of our ancestral lineages and the cultures, landscapes and way of being that informed those lineages.

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Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham

It is my distinct honor to host Elizabeth Cunningham, author of My Life as a Prayer: A Multifaith Memoir and the award-winning series The Maeve Chronicles at my home, Gateway House Multifaith Sacred Arts Community, Rosendale, NY.

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Tricking My Resistance Under The Winter Moon
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Tricking My Resistance Under The Winter Moon

Winter Moon

Lately, I have been engaging in my winter practice of going outside and gazing up at the winter moon, asking myself: “What is the truest essence of myself that I am dreaming in my winter dream?” The cold heightens the moon’s luminosity; stars seem to crackle through the night sky…

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Thanksgiving Meh
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Thanksgiving Meh

The holiday season with Thanksgiving as its ‘gateway’, evokes a plethora of feelings in many of us. Are we questioning the value of celebrating in the face of world suffering? Are we reminded of the factions and patterns of behavior in our own families?

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Power of Lament
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Power of Lament

Lament is a guttural response of protest.

Lament is a fist shake that it be put right.

Lament is a visceral, heartbreaking cry…

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Launching The Outer Edge Online
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Launching The Outer Edge Online

Join me in celebrating the launch of a new website and online presence for The Outer Edge, my coaching, consultancy and facilitation practice.

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Honoring Losses of Covid: A Gathering
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Honoring Losses of Covid: A Gathering

Both professionally as an Episcopal priest as well as personally,

I have traveled a road with grief & death.

They are sacred companions,

great and challenging teachers

who invite us ever more deeply

into the cycle of life.

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Living Spherically in All Directions
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Living Spherically in All Directions

“You have to live spherically - in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm - and things will come your way.”- Ferderico Fellini

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Covid Pivot
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Covid Pivot

Pivot is one word for this moment. ‘Pivot’ comes from Old Provençal, Pua, a tooth of a comb. All is being combed out in this chrysalis time, the snarls we have made. New hybrid forms of theater, music, audience, performance are sprouting with this whole ‘greening’ moment. The world is ‘greening’. We are streaming…

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Gateway House  & Being in Harmony with Change
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Gateway House  & Being in Harmony with Change

A wild year it has been! Full of events, music, completions, deaths, ceremonies, collaborations, enduring friendships & new ones...all building a foundation on which to ride this vortex of 2020 shift, launching us into this decade of change. I know I am feeling it. From the many conversations I am having, I know I am just 'one among'…

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