Born In This Time
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Born In This Time

Here we are, beloveds. As we keep saying to each other with our hearts ripping open, as the growing truth becomes astonishingly clear, where the inescapable reality that we are amidst a profound shift in the global world order. Like nothing we have experienced in our lifetime, right? Right, I say again? How do we grapple with this…what? What to call it? 

And yet, I am here, at this time in human evolution. Depending on your faith or how you understand reality, I reckon with the truth that my spirit chose to incarnate at this time. At this moment of history. 

I am here for a reason.

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Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville


Our heart's break at what feels to be the increasingly surreal vortex of this historical moment. No one of us is untouched by the chaos ensuing in our social and political fabric. How shall we ride this great tidal wave of uncertainty?

So much of what is being promulgated by our current administration in the name of faith is anathema to the essence of core religious values.

 So I hold a vision of Sanctuary before us.

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Writing As Ceremony; Sourcing Lament
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Writing As Ceremony; Sourcing Lament

By popular request, we are offering a second Sourcing Lament: Writing As Ceremony online workshop in collaboration with Katharina Lindauer. Dancer, musician, sister Constellation colleague, and Process Psychology guide, I am honored to be offering this workshop alongside her.

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O Sacred Darkness & Upcoming Events
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

O Sacred Darkness & Upcoming Events

As we enter into the great cycle of light and dark expressed in Advent/Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, Diwali, and Yule, so many, both in ancient and contemporary times, have created ceremony to live into the holding of the light as the end of the year draws close.

Please join us for these Outer Edge and Gateway House offerings. I wish us all a holy and merry end of the year.

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Resilience of Our Ancestors
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Resilience of Our Ancestors

The beautiful catastrophe of being human.... 
Here we are, my beloveds, in our complicated, excruciating, unfathomable truth of what feels to be a critical, historic moment. I implore us to take heart. Throughout our lineages, the suffering and resilience of our ancestors has enabled us to live now. All they lived through, has brought us, you and I, into this very specific moment. We can source their resilience and wisdom.

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Somatic Dramatic: Navigating the Narrow Place
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Somatic Dramatic: Navigating the Narrow Place

Join Amii Legendre and Kathleen Mandeville for this exciting and unique workshop, utilizing the practices of family constellations and somatic* movement to transform our narrow places* while being witnessed and supported in community.

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Upcoming Events from The Outer Edge
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Upcoming Events from The Outer Edge

I'm pleased to share with you a veritable array of events and offerings. This time of year, as we approach the Autumnal Equinox, is the opportunity to be in balance. Even as we are on the cusp of a season's change and the particular historical moment  we are in in our nation and the world; community is where we can find a sense of equilibrium.

The Outer Edge invites you into deeper engagement as we navigate into the Autumn season, with a rich lineup of experiences to support your inner and outer worlds.

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Our Emotional ‘Weather Patterns’
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Our Emotional ‘Weather Patterns’

As a systemic and family constellations facilitator, I've come to understand more potently how captured we are by our own personal narrative. It's as if we live inside our own egoic consciousness and yet we are born into a system, a family of origin, which is also informed by the systems of our ancestral lineages and the cultures, landscapes and way of being that informed those lineages.

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Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham

It is my distinct honor to host Elizabeth Cunningham, author of My Life as a Prayer: A Multifaith Memoir and the award-winning series The Maeve Chronicles at my home, Gateway House Multifaith Sacred Arts Community, Rosendale, NY.

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Tricking My Resistance Under The Winter Moon
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Tricking My Resistance Under The Winter Moon

Winter Moon

Lately, I have been engaging in my winter practice of going outside and gazing up at the winter moon, asking myself: “What is the truest essence of myself that I am dreaming in my winter dream?” The cold heightens the moon’s luminosity; stars seem to crackle through the night sky…

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Outpouring of Laments
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Outpouring of Laments

As I stood on the Trestle Bridge gazing at Joppy, 
I had a vision of the power of lament reaching far and wide
to people of many communities,
that a collective practice could ignite and expand
into a global archive of witness. 

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Thanksgiving Meh
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Thanksgiving Meh

The holiday season with Thanksgiving as its ‘gateway’, evokes a plethora of feelings in many of us. Are we questioning the value of celebrating in the face of world suffering? Are we reminded of the factions and patterns of behavior in our own families?

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Power of Lament
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Power of Lament

Lament is a guttural response of protest.

Lament is a fist shake that it be put right.

Lament is a visceral, heartbreaking cry…

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Launching The Outer Edge Online
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Launching The Outer Edge Online

Join me in celebrating the launch of a new website and online presence for The Outer Edge, my coaching, consultancy and facilitation practice.

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Honoring Losses of Covid: A Gathering
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Honoring Losses of Covid: A Gathering

Both professionally as an Episcopal priest as well as personally,

I have traveled a road with grief & death.

They are sacred companions,

great and challenging teachers

who invite us ever more deeply

into the cycle of life.

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Living Spherically in All Directions
Kathleen Mandeville Kathleen Mandeville

Living Spherically in All Directions

“You have to live spherically - in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm - and things will come your way.”- Ferderico Fellini

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