Writing As Ceremony; Sourcing Lament

By popular request, we are offering a second Sourcing Lament: Writing As Ceremony online workshop in collaboration with Katharina Lindauer. Dancer, musician, sister Constellation colleague, and Process Psychology guide, I am honored to be offering this workshop alongside her.

In this second workshop of the Sourcing Lament series, we will engage in both Constellation and Process Work practices.

Registration is now open.


Sourcing Lament: Writing As Ceremony
Friday, January 10 at Dusk | 5 – 7PM (EST)
Saturday, January 11 at Dawn | 7:30 – 9;30 AM (EST)

Explore the genre of Lament as a writing practice, ceremonial journey and a form of spiritual activism, held by the setting and rising of the Sun. We will gather at Dusk to begin exploring this sacred tradition, then gather at Dawn to share the Laments we have crafted.

The Outer Edge is committed to deepening the power of lament and its capacity to transmute as we navigate the current state of the world. 

Together we'll explore:
• The traditions of Lament
• Constellation & Process Psychology Practices
• Writing & sharing our Laments

Click here for more information and run of schedule.

by Thursday, January 9, 4PM

All who have completed payment will have a space held for them and receive the Zoom information via email by Thursday January 9, the day before we gather.

Contact Kathleen to inquire about a sliding scale rate.

Grief is a River that has No Shore
an article from City Lore by Steve Zietlin

"From both sides, tears, like blood, coursed through the lines of the Laments, sharing grief and, equally ardently, a cry for peace. Their emotional resonance is powerful, transformative. Is it possible to transmute unimaginable grief, despair, hate and judgment into compassion? Perhaps we can begin to heal what divides us, starting with laments…"

When The Outer Edge launched our Lament project, back in October 2023 just after the outbreak of the violence in Israel and Gaza, City Lore initiated a collaboration with The Outer Edge to create a global archive of Laments.

Steve Zeitlin, the Founder and Executive Director of City Lore, recently wrote a beautiful piece about our collaboration and expands on the spiritual and literary tradition of lament, sourcing from Sumerian, Jewish, and Indian-Buddhist lineages.

To read it, as well as a sampling of the archive,CLICK HERE.

To read more about the beginnings of this collaboration,check out this post that I wrote on Stay Edgy Writings.

City Loreis a New York City based organization who's mission is dedicated to fostering living cultural heritage through education and public programs in service of cultural equity and social justice.


Gateway House produces Celtic Turn of the Wheel events, celebrating the Summer & Winter Solstices, Vernal & Autumnal Equinoxes as well as the Cross Quarter days of Halloween, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. The high holy days of Christmas and Easter are also celebrated. Our events include performative arts and ceremonies, community networking, food, and fire, followed by performances on our Gateway House stage.
Gateway House logo designed by Mirabai Trent!

Winter Solstice: Saturday, December 21 | 5PM – late
Gateway House, 12 Fairview Ave, Rosendale
For the Winter Solstice, we'll be stepping through the Gate of Winter, entering a Spiral of Light, in which we will place luminariums. Meryn Oakwood will invoke the Deer Mother and Maira Martinez will lead us in a ritual closing. I will offer a seasonal  homily. Afterwards, enjoy performances by Ryc Ward, Sama Shakti, and Carole White.

$15 Donation | Potluck (please byo utensils) 
Please RSVP to 845-417-5430 for parking info.

Ceremony for the New Year: Tuesday, January 14 | 2–4PM
People's Place, 775 Broadway, Kingston
with the Holistic Health Community
We will step through a Gate of the New Year. Break open pomegranates, savoring abundance while saving the seeds. Follow the Star of our vision with a Family Constellation exercise. Dance our winter dream with the Bear (with David Budd). 

Imbolc: Saturday, February 1 | 5PM
Stay tuned for more details...

We invite your support of Gateway House's work and mission with gratitude for all who participate in offering their time, talent and resources. 


Constellations is a beautiful way of seeing how our past histories inform our present views. This work enables us to source a kaleidoscopic gaze, recognizing that one shift, one slight turn allows the luminous fragments of our life to be beheld in a wholly different view.

Constellations is a very permeable form that enables practitioners to weave together their own modalities and capacities. As a ceremonialist and arts producer, I incorporate elements of both ritual and expressive arts into facilitation of Family & Systemic Constellations work, which I call Ritual or Kaleidoscopic Constellations. 
You can find these offerings at following places:

People's Place with Holistic Health Community
Wednesday, December 4 | 3 – 7PM | Free

People's Place, 17 St. James St, Kingston

Monthly Constellation Group
Saturday, December 14 | 3 – 6PM | $40 

Gateway House, 12 Fairview Ave, Rosendale
RSVP: Please fill out this Inquiry Form below.




O Sacred Darkness & Upcoming Events