It is my deepest joy to meet people in the depth of their hearts.
I call Kathleen ‘The Artist Whisperer.’ Through her unique and powerful ability to engage artists in their space, she reveals for them a lasting path toward inspiration and creation. When an artist feels blocked, or aimless, Kathleen becomes a medium for their return to artistic flow. She helps individuals to build clear roads inside of their attention and intention, enabling the higher self to emerge. I am forever grateful to Kathleen for enabling and empowering the entire second chapter of my career as a busy international opera singer. Her soulful guidance revived my inspiration at a time when I was completely blocked.
— Tara Venditti
University Professor of Voice, International Opera Singer
Kathleen's enthusiasm and vision breathes life into creative projects, sparks the synergy of community collaboration, and disintegrates fears and doubts, while plotting a course through the nuts and bolts of production. She coached me through my first CD album cover design, pricing, distribution planning, and post-production marketing. She then co-produced the CD’s release party/concert, guiding me through all the steps of the launch including: helping me connect with a venue that suited me best, financing, video production, and all that’s required to move through the pragmatic, logistical challenges of bringing the event into form, as well as guiding me through the inner energetic work that allowed me to claim my capacity as a performing artist and refine my performative presence. Thanks Kathleen for your vision and fired-up inspiration!
— Carole White
Singer-Songwriter, Energy Worker, Crystal Conduit / Rock & Mineral Dealer
As a performing artist I’ve had an incredible experience with Outer Edge Coaching. Kathleen helped me to see my vision for an outdoor traveling stage clearly and bring it to life, including to help me fundraise $15,000 for my project. Her positivity and enthusiasm helped keep the project rolling. Kathleen continues to help me ‘woman-ifest’ a beautiful vision for my career and my life. Any time I hit a roadblock, Kathleen is ready with ladders and rope and a call to the universe to help gracefully move over them. Her positivity, enthusiasm and intuition are invaluable! You, your goals and visions will be held tenderly in her buzzing, loving hands.
— Liana Gabel
Singer-Songwriter, Tap Dancer
Kathleen Mandeville is a most extraordinary being. I know many professionals of the psyche, and creatives in all kinds of arts, and deeply spiritually based people. Kathleen is one of the main people I turn to for my own deep work. She elicits what is hidden so it can be beneficial instead of constricting. Constellations work in general allows a way of accessing the unknown for all kinds of inner movement: psychological, spiritual, relational. Kathleen is experienced in the inner workings of communities and systems as well. What I appreciate most is how her highly intuitive nature gives range to her intelligence and creativity. Each time I am in a constellations group or individual session with Kathleen, her approach is unique. And deeply meaningful. And interesting. And fun, when that is what is called for.
— Sue Epstein
Somatic Experience & Touch Practitioner
Working with Kathleen was nothing short of entering another dimension. We had several sessions of family constellations work together in which she supported me in facing my shadows and raising my curiosity for topics that I had resisted before. Kathleen has a talent in showing others how a tiny physical body movement can initiate internal emotional movement. I'm very grateful for what moved through me during our sessions and the new perspectives I discovered as a result. In a very gentle way, I learned to listen to my inner voice, to acknowledge the beauty within me, and to breathe where there was only friction before. She has helped me to untangle issues from my past and to finally initiate lasting change in my life. Having also co-run a family constellations facilitator practice group with her, I can highly recommend Kathleen as a family constellations facilitator and coach. I can still feel the echo of our work together.
— Katharina Lindauer
Bioscientist, Dancer
Kathleen is like a magician guiding me through my inner landscape of emotions, thoughts & feelings. With every session I feel lighter. Her unconditional listening, her wisdom-inspired way of questioning exposes my blind spots and gives me alternate perspectives. What was unseen is now being brought to the light, felt & processed. I’ve been having semi-weekly sessions for almost two years now and I always look forward to our time together.
— Bruna De Araujo
Interior Designer, Real Estate Developer
I can’t say enough about the gifts Kathleen has brought and continues to bring into my life. I have known her for over forty years and during that time she has ushered me through countless personal and professional hills and valleys. She has helped me to flourish at my best, and has vigilantly stood by my side when I was at my lowest. Her profoundly insightful guidance has helped me to confront, decode, and move past a diverse variety of roadblocks that I’ve encountered along my artistic (and personal) path. She is a master at this, and I have been blessed to be a beneficiary of her dependable instincts and well-honed skills as a guide. And somehow, for all the challenges she has helped me meet, we always manage to have fun in the process. Time and again, I have witnessed the contagious exuberance she brings to her interactions with others, along with her courage and commitment to call it as she sees it.
One of the high points of my creative life has been my collaboration with Kathleen on the Passion Play Project, an ongoing series of community-based workshops we co-conceived and led using theatrical forms to explore the connections and rifts between our spiritual and sexual lives. It is one of the places where our interests vibrantly converge.
She also coached me through yet another project dear to my heart, the authoring of my first book. Her input was exceptionally valuable in my proud completion of it.
Kathleen was also a key player in the last years of my mother’s life. They became close friends, and Kathleen provided elder care, while standing by my side to help me navigate my mom’s dementia. In the final weeks of my mother’s life, Kathleen was an indispensable midwife to her graceful passage to the next world. I shall be eternally grateful for this.
Whatever way in which one establishes a working relationship with Kathleen, that connection is sure to be life-changing, as she will reliably find the way to take you to your outer edge and joyfully beyond…
— David Schechter
Writer, Director, Lyricist
*Banner Photo Pete Mauney