Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham

Happy Season of Resurrection!

It is my distinct honor to host Elizabeth Cunningham, author of My Life as a Prayer: A Multifaith Memoir at my home, Gateway House Multifaith Sacred Arts Community, Rosendale, NY.   Elizabeth and I have been deep colleagues for 30 years.  I have read all of her books.  If you haven't read The Maeve Chronicles, do not hesitate! Her poetry has long been a source of ongoing meditation for me, and I  have used her writing in both my pastoral and ceremonial work over the years.  I first met Elizabeth when she was the ceremonialist at High Valley Spiritual Community. Elizabeth and I share a specific connection in our journeys with the Episcopal Church, the Goddess and Celtic spirituality.

"A prayer is one who prays”

Join us at Gateway House for the Our Lives As Prayer workshop with Elizabeth

Sunday, April 21 | 3 -6pm | $30 donation |

We welcome everyone who prays, who wants to pray, who needs prayer, who is a prayer.

Space is limited, please register to reserve your spot. 

Through guided meditation and interactive reflection, we will explore our experiences of prayer, the many forms prayer can take: spoken, sung, silent, tactile, embodied, within a religious tradition and outside of one, as part of a group or in solitude. Together we will consider ways to create a daily prayer practice or to refresh an existing one. We will complete our time with our own prayer circle.

Elizabeth Cunningham is an ordained interfaith minister and pastoral counselor. She is also the direct descendant of generations of Episcopal priests. A lifelong novelist, she is best known for The Maeve Chronicles, a series of award-winning novels featuring a Celtic Magdalen. My Life as a Prayer is her nonfiction debut. Her workshop “Our Lives as Prayer” is designed to share her work in a community context.

Do check out the detailed description on The Outer Edge website.


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