Sourcing Lament: Writing As Ceremony

What would happen if the whole world could Lament together?

An Inspiration

Given the outpouring of Laments you've shared
in response to the invitation in previous e-newsletters,
I've felt inspired to design a way we could engage
in this creative process together in realtime.

Dusk to Dawn;
Lament as Writing Practice & Prayer

In Sourcing Lament: Writing as Ceremony,
we will explore the genre of Lament
as a writing practice, ceremonial journey
and a form of spiritual activism.

Held by the setting and rising of the Sun,
we will gather at Dusk to begin exploring this sacred tradition,
then gather at Dawn to share the Laments we have crafted.


The Divine Power of Lament

Lament is a form of spiritual expression
found within many faith/religious traditions. 
A Lament is an expression
of our profound love and hope
for the Divine to act in accordance
with our relationship as co-creators.

With the current state of the world,
many of us feel powerless,
living in a state of confusion, chaos, despair.
A Lament, more than a complaint or vent,
is an act of intimacy where we dwell
with the Divine in solidarity with suffering.

Lament can bring us to a creative edge
of what we hope, fear, or dare-not-say.

This ceremonial workshop will be a sacred space
for participants to gather and share,
to compose, speak our own Laments and to be witnessed. 

A Global Wave of Lament

Composing a Lament is one small action we can take here and now.

Join me in igniting this global wave of Lament,
shifting out of a polarized, hostile realm
into a compassionate space, grieving together
as we bring forth this healing process to the world.


Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham


Tricking My Resistance Under The Winter Moon