May the Stone Move…

May the Stone Move from the Tomb of the World

My heart is breaking for the unfathomable brutality of human darkness

May the Stone Move from the Tomb of the World

My heart is breaking for the messy conundrum of being human

Incarnate beings

Enfleshed in Time and Space

Held impossibly beautifully in the Divine Matrix of Love

May the Stone Move…

I want to invite us inside of This Story that continues to hold deep personal resonance for me

I want to get inside of it with you.

This Story is a WILD STORY!

This is a Story about Love, Death, Loss, Betrayal, Torture, Revolution, Friendship, Magic, Miracles, Redemption, Grief, Heartbreak, Justice, Occupation, Political Upheaval, Transformation, Grace, Liberation….

This is a WILD STORY….

This year's Easter Sermon is my personal and political offering....I invite you to click on the Youtube video to listen to it in full. It includes a guided a meditation.

Here is an image that has been burning in my heart and mind:
Jesus was a Palestinian Jew. He grew up in Israel/Palestine; the Gazans are his people. This story of Jesus’s crucifixion, death and resurrection is as relevant now as it was 2000 years ago. Do we think it’s an accident that this story is being embodied right now, in this historical moment? I see his cross amidst the rubble of Gaza with the eyes of starving children & grieving people looking up to him. Paul Tobin, a spiritual teacher, says “A lot of religious expression is about eating the menu, and not the meal.” 

I feel called in this moment for us to continue to find a way for us to eat the meal together…I believe it is as relevant today as it was in its moment in time.

I expand these thoughts more deeply in my sermon. These are delicate, significant times. May we continue to meet in the depth of our hearts.


Human Delegates to The Democracy of Species


Our Lives As Prayer: A Workshop with Elizabeth Cunningham