Launching The Outer Edge Online

Let us meet in the depth of our hearts. 

Join me in celebrating the launch of a new website and online presence for The Outer Edge, my coaching, consultancy and facilitation practice.

With over 40 years of experience in pastoral and community work, I have initiated The Outer Edge as a vehicle for engaging a wider portal to offer this joyful service. The Outer Edge embodies deep intuition coupled with a heartfelt, holistic approach.

One-on-one sessions, group work (eg. Family & Systemic Constellations) and consultations for organizations and projects are available, tailored to suit you as an individual or your group’s specific needs.

Having worked in a wide variety of settings with a diversity of people and organizations, it is inspiring to see the shift in those with whom I have worked as they reach a fuller degree of their true potential.

Interested, intrigued or inspired? Please connect with The Outer Edge by contacting me. Know someone else who might be? Please forward this message on.


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