Gateway House  & Being in Harmony with Change

Hello ALL-

A wild year it has been!
Full of events, music, completions, deaths, ceremonies, collaborations, enduring friendships & new ones...
all building a foundation on which to ride this vortex of 2020 shift, launching us into this decade of change. I know I am feeling it. From the many conversations I am having, I know I am just 'one among'.

It is a deep practice to be in harmony with change. Now is a time to be ever more in our purpose, using the best of our talents & joys to serve what is needed in our history, in our communities, and in our world. IgniVox is honored to be of service to a rich diversity of organizations, landscapes and people. We are equally grateful for those with whom we collaborate in making ideas come into form.

GateWay House, the lovely cottage I rent, posesses a rich history; located right at the entrance to the Rosendale Trestle on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail as well having once been the site of the Coal Assayer's office for the coal trade coming off the Roundout Creek. The weighing scale is under the foundation!

The Genii Loci of this spot ( i.e. the spirits of a place) are all about 'exchange of energy'. Coal is, in essence, condensed energy. Here It was gathered & weighed; then sent forth, finding its way into hearths & homes. From the Trestle, you can glimpse these spirits in the stony view of our beloved Joppenburgh Mt. Our Day of The Dead Ritual this past Nov.1st honored the ancestors of this place as well as inspiring the name, GateWay House.

In the Spirit,
Kathleen & the IgniVox team

For a closer look at IgnIVox's work, our Instagram is a curated view. 


Covid Pivot