Living Spherically in All Directions

'“You have to live spherically - in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm - and things will come your way.” - Ferderico Fellini

Hello Dear People-

‘Living spherically in many directions’ 
is one way to  reframe the manic chaos of our world. 
No doubt, it is all pretty wild…the upheaval, the death rattle of old orders, the financial, political & physical uncertainty.
right, the list goes on.
Pausing, may we behold the reality
that we are living in these times!

What do we do to get through the narrow gate 
when backed into the corner of change or die?

We work to hold our centers...The center
 as the world spins madly on.

How do we hold the center!? 
I ask myself, my communities, strangers on the street
I ask you to tell me, tell each other.

Ritual is remembering to fall in love with the unknown
Music sings a song where no word or torture or grief can reach
Fire links the small to the great, the hearth to the funeral pyre.

We honor the turn of the wheel, marking
Imbolc, Solstice, Equinox, Easter & Day of the Dead.
We move with our elders down in the LES of NYC
We work like our life depends on it to bring music ever more
We remember joy is the antidote to grief
We live close, cheek to masked cheek, caring for our tribes
We listen, We act, We pray
IgniVox keeps the circle of music, fire, ritual stoked and alive.

Enthusiasm means from the Greek
‘Having the God within’
May we live our Magic Powers

In the Spirit,
Kathleen Mandeville & IgniVox


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